Friday, May 13, 2011

Little Earthquakes

It is the strangest feeling in the world when something is growing inside of you. Yes, I know it has been said before but I'm a little weirded out by the baby turning somersaults in my belly. Baby P woke me up last night at around 3 a.m. kicking me in the side. By the end of today I felt like he/she had bruised up my entire inside belly. It feels like a mini-earthquake (far from those that impacted Haiti or Japan, but very impactful in my little world).

The responses about this on Facebook were all excited ones. Mother's gladly sharing the joy they felt when they felt their little babies moving for the first time. I am excited, but at the same time this is all sort-of strange. Hoping tomorrow that Baby P is a little nicer to my insides, but perhaps as I get scars from the preliminary kicks it will feel more like he/she is kicking and less like getting jabbed in the stomach from the inside.

I know the earthquakes will just become bigger as my pregnancy progresses. One thing I do know is that the more I feel the baby move, the closer he/she is to arrival. The first half has gone by so quickly (yesterday marked five months until Baby P's due date). I'm praying for you each day baby. I love you and I cannot wait to introduce you to this world.

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