Sunday, July 29, 2012

She Walks

Evangeline is walking and Greg and I could not be more proud of her. She walked a few steps on Tuesday and then walk about five feet on Wednesday. Now she is walking all over the place. This totally changes the parenting dynamic as she is--and I repeat--all over the place.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Nine and all mine

Evangeline is nine months old! We can't believe all she is doing. She's walking, talking and eating finger foods.

We are so blessed.

Her favorites include bath toys, baby dolls and stuffed animals.

She's extremely social, waving hi and bye to everyone. She is singing along with musical toys, dancing to music and laughing at dogs.

She loves food pouches--specifically banana. She's a growing girl. Below are some photos from our adventures this month

James and Evan playing
Our little Laura Ingalls- We have been reading
The Little House on the Prairie
Standing by the St. Louis Arch,
Great way to celebrating being able to walk.
Hanging out with my stuffed animals,
and talking to them
Making Mommy Smile