Friday, March 18, 2011

...Greg Lassos Stork

Today six years ago Greg asked me to be his wife and what a journey it has been.

It is with great pleasure that I inaugurate the online public space of the Perreault Family with an announcement of great proportions. Greg and I will be having a baby on October 12, 2011. We are going to use this blog to share with family and friends (since we have so many that live all over the country).

We are so excited!! So far the pregnancy has been going well and I have been feeling wonderful. We have our second ultra-sound next week were we will see the baby (that is now an inch an a half in size). The first time he/she was just a pulsing blob measuring at 4.4 millimeters.
We found out we were pregnant on Super Bowl Weekend, which was the weekend we had decided to celebrate Valentine's Day. Let's just say we had something bigger to celebrate!

In case you did not know what my headline reference is to, Greg's Favorite movie is It's a Wonderful Life. I spent all morning trying to find the clip where Mary shares with George that she's having a baby. She says "George lassos stork." I wanted to share the news that way, but the quote will have to suffice for now.


  1. YAY!!! So happy for ya'll! oh my goodness, you two are going to be great parents. :D

    p.s. I love that you referenced It's a Wonderful Life. In these one it starts at 7:25. :D
