Monday, June 25, 2012

Eight Great Months of Evangeline

Yesterday Evangeline turned eight months old. This past month was really exciting with a trip to the zoo, a lot of walks, her baptism and first Vacation Bible School, adventures with mommy and daddy, playdates with Arlen, Penny, Claire and James.

My favorite Evangeline face. She now has enough hair to put a clip in.
 She is going through a little separation anxiety and teething which means she is fussy a lot. I just try remember that things will be a lot worse when she is 13--and tell myself to be patient.

She says dadaddada, and mamamama. She also will wave and says something that resembles like "hi" or "bye." She still loves books, and the library--chewing on them, turning their pages and listening to mommy and daddy read (even if it is only a few pages of a book).
Shot of Evan and Mommy. She's been a little clingy this month.
She loves music and even attacks Greg's guitars. She loves when Greg plays music for her on the piano or guitar. Greg and Evan also play the piano together sometimes.

She loves the church nursery especially the "big kid" toys like the Cozy coup car. However, her favorite toys are my flip flops and the dog water bowl.
And yes, she already learned to drive...
She loves people, and thrives in social places like church and the library. She smiles at strangers, dogs, kids, and gets upset when they will not give her their attention. She tries to talk with whomever she hears talk. We're in for some challenges. 

Wylie is still not a fan of her, but she's getting faster and is fascinated by him. She'll catch him someday soon. We were worried about that, but she stole his toy the other day--Wylie only grunted in annoyance and left.
It is hard to get her to stay still. She is toddling around (holding onto things) and constantly bobbing her head back and forth to rhythms or music.
Evangeline also learned to standup alone unsupported (for a minute) and recently (the scariest new accomplishment) climb stairs. She loves to dance to music.

She still does not like baby food. Her favorite foods are zucchini bread, animal crackers and pork chops.

Despite all the challenges, we cannot imagine life without her. She is growing and learning so much and we look forward to what each day will bring for her.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Baptism and Father's Day

This Sunday was Father's day and Evangeline's Baptism Day. We actually started celebrating Father's Day Friday. Greg opened his gifts from Evangeline which included an Avenger's T-shirt (which she picked out :) for her super hero daddy). We went out for dinner on Saturday night at the Pasta Factory and I made pulled pork for Sunday lunch.

Sunday Evangeline was baptized at St. Andrew's Lutheran Church (the church we have been attending). It was a great celebration of faith. Our friends the McCommis family and Yulia from University of Missouri were there to support us.

Greg opening Evangeline's Gift

Evan investigating Pastor Paul's pendant.
Proud Perreault family

Zoo Trip No. 2

Last week we went to the zoo with our friend Crystal and her daughter Claire. The drive to St. Louis was totally worth it. We saw the giraffes, zebras, elephants, hippos, penguins, chimpanzees and gorillas.

When we met the gorillas, one beat on the glass and scared Evan and Claire. He was so close you could have touched him had there not been glass.

We also got pretty close to the penguins. One was floating in the water with his beak right next to the glass well. Evan laughed at him for about five minutes.

Below are some photos from our trip.

Evan and I with the Zebras

Evan and the Chimp eating

Claire and her mom in the penguin house

Evangeline and Claire were pooped after the zoo.

Summer Adventures

I get a little over one month to just hangout and enjoy not being at work or school. That means some great family time. Greg is working two jobs this summer at the University of Missouri and I am watching Evan full time.

Although Greg is busy, he works from home a few days a week so we can have lunch as a family and all play together. We have a foreign exchange student visiting us in late June and July and I'll be taking a class in July. A nice break before we get back to the grind in August.

We got our family pictures made in late May, (here's a link to a few of them). We grew our own lettuce and tomatoes and a few other veggies that are beginning to bloom.

Evan at Capen Park for our family photo session.