On Wednesday we made it to Evangeline's one year appointment. She got several shots including a Flu Shot and had her blood drawn to check for led and anemia.
Here's her stats. Evangeline is in the 70 percentile for weight and 75 percentile for height. She is growing a normal rate. She weights 21 pounds and is 31 inches tall.
So tired after her shots |
We have successfully been breast feeding for a little over a year now, she breast feeds two or three times a day now. Other than that, she will still only eat solid foods that she can feed herself. Right now she loves turkey bacon and green grapes.
She claps when you sing Happy Birthday (we've had a lot of birthdays to celebrate recently) or say "yay," she also says "hi, hello, dada, mama, dog, ball, okk" (which we think is book), "dadt" and points, and recognizes photos of family members including her two grandfathers.
She loves books and to climb into enclosed spaces--especially her castle which we kept in the living room after her birthday party. She shows every new person who comes to the house all her new toys and books. This week she started having a babysitter come for three hours two days a week so mommy and daddy can get some more time to do research at school.
We are still using cloth diapers, although the cleaning process is a bit more of a challenge now that we have at least two solid poop diapers a day. She wears 5 to 7 diapers a day. I wash two or three times a week.
Doctor's appointments are harder on moms than they are on babies I
think. Evangeline did not like getting her shots or her blood drawn, but
she was pretty resilient. I however felt awful all day for putting her
through it. She got a trip to the mall to ride the train to remedy my
spirits and hers.
Riding the Columbia Mall Train |
So happy! |