Thursday, October 13, 2011

Past the Due Date

So I know I would feel differently if her Due Date had not come and gone with no event...but it did. It is October 13th. She is not here yet.

Right now I am thinking how our society makes Due Dates out to date a child as though she were a carton of eggs or a jug of milk. I'm trying really hard not to think about it like that. I'm trying to re-frame the idea of a due date as more of a "guess date." I keep telling myself the longer she has to develop inside the womb the less of a shock she'll go through when she enters the world. 
I know I should be grateful for a happy, easy and healthy pregnancy so far. I should be grateful for more time to prepare for her arrival. I am. But as I have said before I feel overly prepared for her to arrive.
So far this week I've done my best to remain distracted. I'm finishing my T-shirt quilt of ZTA T-shirts from undergrad. I've been studying for the GRE. I made zucchini and pumpkin bread and took loaves to friends and neighbors. I completely used up all of my granulated sugar. I went to an elderly assisted living facility with my neighbor to visit a vivacious older woman named Beth yesterday. This was honestly the highlight of my day.
This week I've been on several walks. Yesterday, I ate my neighbor's homemade salsa with chips,  and an Amy's microwavable Indian food meal.
It has rained the past two days here. The leaves in the trees are turning a cascade of autumn colors, although the rain has brought them down. Greg and I really enjoyed our walk today. A beautiful morning after the rain.
Not sure what today holds but if I get more sugar I can make cupcakes!


  1. Thinking of you, Mimi! I've decided I'm going to add two weeks to my due date and expect Sprout around that time. I was three weeks late! My poor mother... Remember, she WILL come out. :)

  2. Haha! I love the pictures! I wish I could be with you right now!
