She loves story time with daddy which consists of the books Goodnight Moon and Daddy Kisses most nights. She still hates bathtime and getting her diaper changed (what baby does not).
This week Auntie Edge visited and made Evan two super cute hats. She also brought Evan her own Moosler stuffed animal. She and her boyfriend Chad also made Evan a toy box for her toys when she gets older.

At her two week pediatric appointment Friday Evan weighed 8 lbs and 7 oz. She is now almost 22 inches long (one more inch since the hospital). She is tracking things great and loves contrasting colors. Especially stripes and "happy round objects" like the eyes on her owl toy and the round yellow snail on her vibro chair.

We took our first trips out in public this week. We went to Orange Leaf twice, Sophia's for Auntie Edge's birthday, Babbo's Spaghetti House, downtown Columbia's shops (pictured above), church and Target. Next week family come to town on Wednesday for Thanksgiving! We are so blessed to have my parents, sisters, our friend Mike from Washington, DC and Greg's aunt, uncle and cousin joining us. We'll be sure to share photos.
Sorry this is so short but Mama has a lot going on this week. Good news is I will be teaching at Mizzou in the spring. I'm also working on Ph D applications and taking the GRE the week of Thanksgiving.
One more thing: some people wanted to know why we have password protected our blog. We just feel that Evangeline deserves a little privacy and as university professors we need to secure this site to provide her with that. That said, we would love to share this with friends and family so if you know someone who wants to read the blog just shoot us an email at and we'll grant them permission to read our posts.
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