She moves quick, and is getting faster every day. For example: yesterday we took our eyes off the little miss for two minutes and she climbed to the top of the basement stairs.
Evangeline climbing the basement stairs |
Thankfully she did not try to climb down. She also chases after Greg and the dog. She is getting to the point where she is faster on her feet than crawling. I guess the crawling chapter was short.
Cruising around the basement our cute cherry outfit from Wittlebee |
I cannot believe she has grown up so fast. Evangeline had her nine month appointment this week. She is right on track. She is 29 inches tall and 20 pounds. She is eating a lot more (feeding five times a day and eating solids three times a day) and sleeping a lot less (she takes two 2 hour naps each day).
I love the baby food squeeze packs. |
It's hard to believe that this week last year was the week Greg and I started painting the house and getting Evangeline's room ready. She's just now getting to enjoy the paintings and decorations that I worked so hard to hang and paint. Yesterday while I was rocking her to sleep she was transfixed by one of the birds in the blue bird mural I painted on the wall.
Here's a link to the post I wrote about her room last August.
Intro to rock climbing from Grandma Carri |
She is wearing 12 month clothes and size 3 shoes. This week I packed away a lot of really cute things, including her pink stripped swim suit (below) and Pink Polo outfit (above). I also realized that I now have three bins full of baby clothes that she has worn, and only one of the next size up. It's amazing how much she has grown.
Swimming in the neighbor's yard |
Evan's eyes are still blue and her hair is a light brownish color with blonde and red highlights. So the verdict is still out as to who's hair it is. She has two teeth on the bottom and is starting to get some curls in the back.
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