Sunday, December 9, 2012


After flying back from Orlando and enjoying our visit with some friends from Florida, Missouri and DC we arrived back in CoMo for a little down time. Well, I guess downtime for us is more like studying and writing papers. Greg worked on two papers and I finished my statistics project and started work on on my explication paper. Evangeline did get some quality mom and dad time, and got to see her friends Claire and James before they headed out of town to see their grandparents.

Playing in the Kitchen with Claire.

Swinging with James.

Pies all ready to eat.
 The day before thanksgiving Greg made a trip to the grocery for last minute items and began making pies. He made crusts for five, and a pear cranberry pie. I made two pumpkin and a pecan pie.
Bundled up for the 5/10K
 Thursday Greg and I ran in our neighbor's, The Dixons, annual Turkey Trot. Greg ran the 10K and I ran/walked the 5k and pushed the stroller. It was a little chilly but Evangeline loved it. Greg also won a gift certificate for $10 off a pair of tennis shoes (for the second year in a row). It makes you feel good to burn all those calories before eating like a pig all day.

Daddy and Evangeline post race.
I started the turkey, which brined overnight in an ice chest. Evangeline loved opening and closing the lid, and sitting on the ice chest, although I don't think she understood the turkey was in side.  Greg and Evangeline headed downstairs to watch the Macy's parade, thanks to the antenna that Greg installed earlier in the week. Before that the signal in our basement was extremely weak.

Watching the parade and having pancakes for breakfast.
Evangeline loved the parade, especially the songs and balloons. She also danced with the people on screen. Greg and I almost cried we were so happy.
She loved the dancers and balloons. She even said ball and pointed.
I spent the rest of the day cooking, finishing my apple walnut stuffing, acorn squash, spinach dip, cranberry sauce, giblet gravy, and rolls. At 3 p.m. several friends and international students from the University joined us. We had a great dinner that included Turkey, dressing and all the trimmings, Korean cookies, Russian rice salad and Chinese dumplings.
Rolls in the oven just before the guests arrived.
We enjoyed sharing what we are thankful for, and enjoyed pie and It's a Wonderful Life. And finally we enjoyed a fire in our fire pit in the backyard with some friends joined us for pie and told us they are having a baby in the Spring. It was a great day.
Working girls. In the Kitchen post Thanksgiving.

The next day Evangeline helped me do dishes, and Greg got some Christmas lights. Then we drove to Richland, Missouri to see our Friends Julie and Jared James and meet their baby Halle. We stayed the night at Julie's parent's house and they cooked us a great dinner of steak, and then a great breakfast in the morning. It was wonderful to catch up with Julie and Jared and watch Evangeline as she was "gentle" with baby Halle.
Evangeline was really into Halle. Shortly after this she started using the word "baby" a lot.

Sweet Friend Julie reading Evangeline her new Nutcraker book.

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