Friday, January 4, 2013

Christmas in Texas

We returned last week from a great Christmas in Texas. We spent a good amount of time at my parent's house in Boerne and got to see several friends and family.
Family Christmas Eve Photo
 Our first weekend there, my parents hosted an engagement party for my sister Catelyn and her fiance Daniel. We met up with my aunt cousin and her family on Sunday. Then we celebrated Christmas with a Christmas Eve Church Service and gift exchange on Christmas day. I also got a chance to go to the Spa with my sisters. I also got a chance to meet all my sister Catelyn's bridesmaids at a dinner in honor of her on her birthday.  We had a great time. Below are some photos from our time in Texas.

On the Church Playground

Hanging with Grandpa Will at Church

Working on Trees for the Engagement Party

Evangeline meeting Grace W at the Party

Party goers and Evangeline Dancing to the Music at the Engagement Party
Mom and baby listening to music at the party

Bride and Groom to be

Playing at the Church playground again

Three ladies shopping on Christmas Eve

Evangeline and Grandpa Will