Evangeline and Mommy |
Fall is here. There a few things I love more than a beautiful fall day. Friday Evangeline and I went to pick pumpkins from a pumpkins from a pumpkin patch with her school. It was a blast. We really enjoyed picking "citrouille," playing in the tepee, the hay-bale maze and feeding all of the animals with her school friends. I loved the corn-husk horses the most. We were so excited to spend time with other families from the school and get to know her teachers better.
Riding a corn-husk horse. |
Evangeline loved all the activities at Peach Tree Farms so much that I think we should return before the Fall is over.
She's getting so tall |
Hay-bale maze with friends. |
Friday we returned home for lunch, a nap and then family photos in the afternoon.
+Lollipop Photography did our photos again this year. I can't wait to see how they turned out and get some printed for Evangeline's birthday and our holiday cards. We also went to dinner Friday with our friends Joy and Hank. We had Japanese Habachi, which Evangeline loved. She's only been twice and last time the fire scared her. This time she watched the whole "show" and ate a large portion or fried rice.
Friday night Greg and I also went to see
Maiden Trip at the Citizen Jane Film Festival. It is a great movie about a daring teenage girl who becomes the youngest to sail around the world alone.
Saturday we attempted our regular trip to the market and grocery, but it was raining and not much fun. We went to the mall briefly, but spent the majority of the day at home. We also went to her school's Fall Potluck and spent time with other families and kids from the school. Evangeline decorated he pumpkin from the pumpkin patch and ate a lot of Doritos and clementines.
Evangeline playing guitar in the church nursery. |
Today we went to Church for Lutheran World Relief Sunday. There were hundreds of hand-made quilts on display. The quilts were dedicated during the service. We also had some good play-time at home with each other and daddy.
After lunch we all took naps. After nap, Evangeline and I went to
Wilson's Nursery for their annual Fall Festival. The theme was Monsters'
University. Evangeline played in a bounce house, got a balloon, more
pumpkins, and got her face painted for the first time. We even met Sully from Monster's Inc.
This evening we went to the church again for Mission Meal. The meal was to support Lutheran World Relief and a woman who will be teaching English in Malasysia for the next year. The food was all locally grown and excellent. There was homemade applesauce, pickled veggies, squash casserole, potatoes, meatloaf, muffins, and peach cobbler. Evangeline loved the music as well. She really enjoyed listening to the youth play on the drums and piano and dancing to the music.
This weekend was a great weekend and was a much needed relief from the stresses of PhD school life.
Evangeline listens to music at the Mission Meal. |
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