It has been a while since I posted because we in the last month I have not had a lot of free time. (I can honestly say there is not a place in the house that is not a mess right now).
But to catch up, we had a lovely Thanksgiving with my sister in law Edgerly who came up from Alabama for a few days. We just saw her at Evangeline's birthday so it was a real treat to see her again so soon after. She misses Aunt Edge a lot and whenever Greg leaves the house she asks if Aunt Edge is coming back.
At the Turkey Trot with Daddy and Aunt Edge |
She had a blast playing with Evangeline and helped us out. We also
supported Greg as he ran the Turkey Trot, enjoyed the Macy's parade,
made a full Thanksgiving dinner, did some black Friday shopping and
took Evangeline to see Disney's Frozen. She loved the movie (in 3D) and
the glasses she got to take home. Her favorite character was Olaf the
We had one week between finals and
Thanksgiving break so we have been pretty busy getting school work done.
Greg and I are in finals week. I've got two papers due this week and a
lot of grading as does he. We are also trying to use the extra time we
have to finally clean house and catch up on some research projects we
have not had time for the entire semester.
Traditional Thanksgiving Pancake Breakfast. |
She loved this part of the Macy's Parade. |
Wearing her Turkey Shirt and clip. |
Wearing one of my old dresses to Church the first Sunday in Advent. |
Our trip to see the Nutcracker |
Evangeline and I went to see the Nutcracker Ballet on Tuesday night. She loved it and sat still for almost a hour and a half. At about 9 p.m. she was really tired so we decided to go home. She loved the dancers and the stuff they were selling outside of the theater, including a large teddy bear.
We are in Advent season here at the Perreault home. Evangeline is
enjoying her advent calendar made of little boxes from my Facebook
Mom's Group exchange and all the little craft projects at school, church
and all the other places we have gone recently. We gave her a little
Nativity Scene to play with and she's loving putting the different
animals on top of the manger scene and kissing the baby Jesus figure.
She is really into baby dolls right now and anything that is a baby is
super cool, and needs to be kissed.
Playing with her Nativity Scene. |
Our Family at Living Windows. |
Friday Evangeline's school sang at Living Windows, where the downtown shops decorate their front windows with actors dressed up in a particular theme. We walked around in the cold after Evangeline sang with Joy. We also got to see Joy's husband's youth group do a Living Nativity at the Missouri United Methodist Church. Evangeline was obsessed with the baby Jesus and asked if she could kiss him. She kind of chickened out though. Perhaps because it was really cold outside. Later when we got home she insisted on kissing the baby Jesus in he Little People Nativity Scene.
On Saturday I took Evangeline to Rock Bridge High School of Breakfast with Santa. She was not really excited about Santa at all but loved Mrs. Claus who was reading Christmas books to kids in a corner as they waited for Santa. She loved hanging out with her friend Ben and his Mom Anja and she also made friends with another bear.
As close as she would get to Santa Claus. |
Sunday we got our first snow as well as got our living room rearranged for a Christmas tree, and purchased a tree. Evangeline also got her own little tree to decorate. I can't wait to see what she puts on it. Temperatures have been in the teens and 20s most of the week.
All bundled up for the snow. |
We are all looking forward to a little more time off.
One more thing, I love that Evangeline now tells people she loves them. She's started telling me she loves me, misses me and asks me to wait for her. This makes me happy although she is a little more clingy than normal. It's nice since she really doesn't even look like a baby anymore to know she still needs me.
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