Margery loves to sleep. |
I guess I have some catching up to do.
I feel like that is always the case.
(And yes Greg I stole this title from your text message to me today, credit to Green Day.)
This past month has been insane. Wait that's an understatement. Margery turns two months tomorrow. Boy has she grown up. She is lifting her head and sleeping through the night. She is a little colicy from 8 to 11 p.m. but we have found the baby carrier works good for that.
Margery in action. |
At her one month appointment she weighed 9 lbs and 5 ounces, and was
22 inches long. This is up a pound from her birth weight and a half an
inch longer.
She is a good nurser and sleeper. She is also a very peaceful baby.
Evangeline misses her sister when she goes to school. |
Evangeline is in school and is sad every morning when she leaves her sister.
Evangeline's first day of La Petite Ecole. |
Sister love. Teaching Evangeline how to touch her sister the right way has been a challenge. |
Visit from our friend Gabe Varner for sister's Sip and See. |
Since Margery was born, our house has been full of love and help.
At the end of August, we held a party for Margery and invited all our friends and family to attend. People were able to hold Margery and shower her with kisses and gifts. Our friends the Varners came in town from Arkansas for the weekend, and stayed with us. We are so grateful that they continue to be our friends although it takes a drive across state lines.
Our friend Sari also stopped through when she was moving to California. Her mom and her stayed the night and took a mini tour of Columbia and the University of Missouri with Mimi as a tour guide.
Margery all dressed up for her Sip and See. |
We received a gift from Greg's grandmother and mother and were able to purchase an awesome new double jogger, BOB brand. Greg runs on a regular basis with Evangeline and we hope when Margery is old enough she can join in the fun. Greg's been busy preparing to run his first Marathon and a half in January. He's also working on his dissertation and shadowing a multimedia class.
Our new double BOB stroller. |
Daddy and his girls, Evangeline wants to be held when the baby is being held a lot of the time. |
Greg is also busy trying to figure out how to juggle two girls. He spends a lot of time with Evangeline (who also goes by Lenie now) as well as carrying Margery around in the carrier.
Evangeline with her Grandma with her Flower Girl Flower. |
Grandma Carri visited while Mimi was busy with her exams and helped out a ton. Evangeline had a great time doing puzzles and going on adventures with her Grandma. Good thing Grandma will be back in a month.
Polk-a-dot Perreault Girls with Grandma Carri. |
Grandma Carri and Lenie. |
Momma is glad her comps are done! |
As I mentioned before, month involved Mimi taking comprehensive exams. She sat in a room
for four hours a day, every other day for two weeks. She will know the
results of the five exams on October 6. Once these are done she will join Greg in applying for jobs.
We also had Cate and Danny in town for Margery's baptism. We showed them around CoMo and took them to St. Louis for the day to see the City Museum and Gateway Arch. We were so sad to see them leave. Lenie actually cried at the airport and refused to leave she was so sad. We watched the plane fly "into the clouds" as she cried her eyes out. Then we went to the car and she fell asleep on the ride home. Life as a 2 almost 3 year old is so hard.
Margery's Baptism Day with Godparents Aunt Cate and Uncle Danny. |
At the City Museum with Aunt Edge, Uncle Danny and Aunt Cate. |
Lenie with Uncle Danny and Aunt Cate. |
We are really excited about what will happen here in the next year. As
Mimi finishes her comprehensive exams we are both applying for jobs all
over the country. It is exciting to think about where we might end up. Its exciting but scary at the same time. I'm trying to find peace in the process.
Also this year my youngest sister, Sarah will be getting married and we
are all in the wedding. Mimi will be a Matron of Honor and Evangeline
and Margery will be Flower Girls. Greg will be an usher.
We are so thankful for our friends and neighbors who brought us food and
watched Evangeline during this last month. We are also thankful for
those who attended Margery's Sip and See in late August.